Bicycle Store Employment Opportunities in Los Angeles
Coco's Variety is always interested in meeting like minded individuals that are making a (sometimes lamentable) career choice to work in the bicycle arts. Sometimes, we hire these people. Always, we keep their resume on file to review of future opportunities. I am blessed to work with the best people that happen to be the best bike mechanics and would like to work with more.
We enjoy being around quality people of character and integrity. We appreciate being treated with grace and passion when we visit stores. These principles guide who we hire - people of character and integrity that share their knowledge and enthusiasm without ego or condescension.
Though we know many bike hobbyists and commuters with deep knowledge, there is no replacing working in a professional store. Experience of dealing with people with bikes is more important than knowing how to work on bikes. Time spent at co-ops is terrific and helpful to become entry level or journeyman employees, but can't replace the experience of working at a pro shop.
Sometimes, we hire experienced bicycle mechanics. They can overhaul Sturmey-Archer hubs, build bullet proof wheels, service Nexus hubs and have more than a couple years of bicycle store mechanical experience behind them. They understand the eccentricities of vintage French bicycles and recognize the modest pleasures of an old 3-speed. They apply cutting fluid liberally but not extravagantly and are always sure to wipe the excess. An experienced bicycle mechanic can strip to the frame, chase and face, check for straightness, repack, recable and rebuild. Can bleed brakes and overhaul suspension from all eras with speed and confidence. Comfortable with the latest Di2 and understand the shifting sands of Shimano road bike component compatibility.
Sometimes, we hire less experienced journeyman mechanics that can true wheels, build new bikes, complete basic tune-ups and have a couple of years of bike store experience, but probably more sales focused.
Occasionally, we hire entry level mechanics that can prep used bikes for builds, clean things, stock the shelves with accuracy and help customers with grace and passion. May have a couple of years of bike store experience, but probably more sales focused.
Huffy to Colnago, Taiwan Schwinn to Chicago Schwinn, we know they are not equal and what a boring world it would be if all bikes were equal. If you want to ride it, great! We want to fix it. If that ethos makes sense, then Coco's might be the place for you. Please tell us about other skill sets and interests. We are growing while other bike stores are contracting and your secondary skill sets may be of great interest.
If Ten Bullets makes sense, then send a resume to cocosvarietystore at gmail. Tell us, are you interested in an entry level, journeyman or experienced position. No DMs, no in-person drop by, no inquiries without a resume. Coco's is a dynamic environment, we take hiring super serious and we can't take you super serious while we are straightening a derailleur. Coco's is the squarest cool bike store around.